In the summer 2020 azc organizes the 1st International Conference about the Husbandry of Endangered Livestock Breeds (ICEL). This conference hosted by the Berlin Zoo. Many of the old, traditional livestock breeds are today almost forgotten, because they don’t fit to the high production rates of the modern, intensive farming. But as part of our human culture these breeds should be kept alive. Therefore several breeders, but also some zoos are specialized on the husbandry of these traditional domestic livestock breeds. Besides they gain today some importance again in the “Green Agriculture Movement”, because their products have a better taste than the modern standardized products.
Nevertheless, the breeders are still very often isolated from other breeders and don’t know too much about the husbandry and breeding in other countries. So, we have a similar situation as with jellyfish breeders in 2014. Therefore azc decided to create also for the keepers of traditional domestic livestock an international conference that they could meet other specialists and to exchange their experience with them.